weird website hubs that show that the internet doesn't need to fit a mold

fb et al made the web a lot more accessible (in a technical sense) than it used to be, which is wonderful. but they're also almost total control of how we see and use the web. that's not optimal. this essay talks a bit about that, and sorta explains this category and the whole idea behind this list site :)

everything from strange films to geometry

looks like a bunch of autogenerated text at first but is actually a link blog full of interesting paths

takes you to useless websites i.e. the best kind of ones

a spiritual successor to StumbleUpon which used to do the same - click a button, see a cool site

reddit's starting point for fun single purpose websites

ok this is a social media but browsing thru here can lead you to some very interesting places. Case examples, these lists by Everett Williams, Gemma Copeland, Camilo GarcĂ­a, Camille Wong. Use the "This channel appears in" part in the top bar to get lost in the labyrinth of different channels.

artist-focused but in any case a directory of intriguing webpages